Kaustav Haldar

Management Engineering @ University of Waterloo

Student ID #: 20491500


(226) - 989 3852


  • Resident of Velocity, on-campus start-up incubater and entrepreneurship program
  • Fast and eager learner
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • Basic knowledge of computer hardware and desktop assembly, probability and statistics, introductory algorithms and data set analysis, financial markets, cloud and distributed computing.
  • Creative and open minded
  • Highly motivated and hard worker.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset, able to innovate and think outside the box
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills. Able to work well in tandem with a team, or individually. Able to focus on work for extended periods of time, and rapidly learn and apply concepts.


Web Design

Familiar with Github, AWS, Heroku, Twitter Bootstrap. Also familiar with javascript, jQuery, CSS, HTML and ruby. Some experience with frameworks such as rails and sinatra.

Management Engineering

Knowledge of managerial economics, industrial design and facilities planning, supply chain management, extracting meaningful information from data sets, and production and supply chain simulation. Best practices including the Toyota Production System, Kaizen. Ideation and production methods such as Agile and waterfall.

Project Direction

Working on hardware and software related side-projects at Velocity. Entrepreneurial mindset, capable of creatively addressing and overcoming problems. Good presentation skills.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript, jQuery
  • Ruby
  • C#
  • LaTeX
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Palantir Gotham: Tradestop
  • Adobe Flash, Photoshop
  • Visual Studio
  • AutoCAD/Inventor
  • Balsamiq
  • Office Suite


Student Life Centre, UWaterloo

FB Hackathon Participant


Worked with a team for development and deployment of analysis and creative visualization of social data application. Also assisted in platform integration, quality assurance and was solely responsible for final deployment to heroku and presentation.

Cambridge School, Kolkata India

Volunteer Tutor - Social Work


Teach underprivileged children from the local area basic English, Math and Computing. Organize events and fundraise for them.

Wendy's - Calgary, Alberta

Sandwich maker, cashier, cook


Worked at Wendy's for a year, quitting since I had to return to India


University of Waterloo

1B Management Engineering


Possibly Relevant Subjects

  • C# and introductory programming course(GENE 121)
  • Electrical Engineering (GENE 123)
  • Engineering Economics: Financial Management for Engineers (MSCI 261)
  • Work, Design and Facilities Planning (MSCI 131)
  • Concepts of management and industrial engineering: Supply chain management, project management, Forecasting(MIT beer game), Excel Spreadsheet manipulation and extraction of insights and information from data. (MSCI 100)
  • Engineering Math: Calculus, Linear Algebra (Math 115, 116, 118)
  • Engineering Physics (PHYS 115, 125)
  • Engineering Chemistry (CHE 102)

Cambridge School, Kolkata India

British O/A level

Graduated August 2012

  • Physics - A level
  • Chemistry - A level
  • Pure Mathemetics - A level
  • Probability and Statistics(Confidence Intervals, Binomial and Normal Distributions, Probability representation diagrams) - A level
  • English - A level

Udacity/CodeAcademy/KhanAcademy/Various - The internet

In progress

A variety of subjects, including, but not limited to Algorithms, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Computer Science courses, Advanced Statistics and Data Analysis.