Luvit 2.5.6 Documentation
Table of Contents
local json = require('json')
Alternatively you can use lpeg like so:
local json = require('json').use_lpeg()
json.stringify(value [, state])#
Serialize a Lua table into a JSON string.
local tbl = { username = "Groucho" }
local json_str = json.stringify( tbl )
json.encode(value[, state])#
Same as stringify
json.parse(str [, pos][, nullval][, ...])#
Deserialize a JSON string into a Lua table.
local json_str = '{ "username": "Groucho" }'
local tbl = json.parse( json_str )
json.decode(str[, pos, nullval, ...])#
Same as json.parse
A null property type for JSON encoding.
local tbl = { user = "Jane", is_working = json.null }
local json_str = json.stringify( tbl )
Quotes a string. Based on the regexp "escapable" in